President’s weekly comments – April 10, 2015

Rotary, Friday, April 10th

Hello Rotarians!

Joel Jelkin is our host this week for Joe Twidwell.  Joe is known to most of us as he has been a long time Fremonter now living and working in the Sioux City area.  Joe is responsible for a number of charitable activities in the Fremont community and other areas as well.

The annual Rotary foundation Drive is over and I wan to thank each of you who helped make this a great success.  A special thanks to our Foundation Chair and VP, Gary Bolton for his tireless efforts in ensuring the is success.

Our BIG EVENT is just two days away!  The Dueling Pianos fund raiser is this Friday night at the Gathering.  It starts at 630pm and I think there may some tickets remaining.  Contact Sherry Leriger. 403-721-2644.  There are awesome auction items available to help raise funds for the Rotary “K” Street Park, Polio Plus and the scholarship fund.

Thanks to Duane Kruse, Jenelle, Tessari and Dian Christensen Hillis for helping out by going to the Rotary Grant Seminar this weekend.  In order to take advantage of this RI/District grant we need to have two Rotarians certified or re-certified annually.

VP elect Darrell is heading up the fly-In Pancake feed for August.  Planning for this event is just starting.  This event is the primary source of funding for general funds and the associated NU football ticket raffle is a major funding source for our youth scholarship activities.

See you all Friday!

Steve Tellatin