Rotary Foundation – Campaign News!

Dear Rotarians,

I wanted to share with you the final results of the Rotary Foundation Campaign for 2014-2015. Our goal was 100% participation and also to have our club reach the $15,000 level. The campaign wrapped up March 31st, and we reached both goals. Every single member of our club contributed, and we had a final contribution total of $15,475. What a tremendous accomplishment for our club. The average donation per member was $143.29 which should rank us among the very highest in our district. The great part about this is that our club will likely see a greater amount come back to us to use for the various projects we work on in the future.

I also want to announce that we have ten members who are brand new Paul Harris Fellow Sustaining Members which means that these Rotarians are working toward becoming a Paul Harris Fellow by contributing at least $100 a year. They will join the other Sustaining Members at the bottom of our weekly bulletin. Once they reach the $1000 level, they will become a Paul Harris Fellow.

Likewise, we have sixteen Rotarians who have either become a Paul Harris Fellow, or who have moved up to another level of Paul Harris Fellow with their contribution this year. Both of these groups are listed below.

I plan to recognize these Rotarians at the May 1st meeting, so if you are on this list, please mark your calendar to be sure and attend the May 1st meeting so you can be recognized for your contribution to the Rotary Foundation and your new Paul Harris Fellow status.

New PHF Sustaining Members                Paul Harris Fellows / New PHF Level


Timothy Bryson                              *Jennifer Benson (New PHF) $1000

Laura Essay                                     Thom Christensen (PHF + 2) $3000

Ted DeTurk                                       Sid Dillon, Sr. (PHF +4) $5000

Brian Kudrna                                     Sid Dillon, Jr. (PHF + 3) $4000

Kevin Eairleywine                            * Ryan Fiala (New PHF) $1000

Ronda Niehaus                                  Richard Hendriksen (PHF + 2) $3000

Mark Shepard                                    Joel Jelkin (PHF + 2) $3000

Doug Shiple                                       Duane Krause (PHF + 2) $3000

Tim Militti                                            Leona Paden (PHF + 5) $6000

Jim Thayer                                         Russ Peterson, Jr. (PHF + 2) $3000

Steve Pribnow (PHF + 1) $2000

Mike Prokop (PHF + 1) $2000

David Simmons (PHF + 5) $6000

Ann Stephens (PHF + 2) $3000

Bill Vobejda (PHF + 1) $2000

* Mike Thomas (New PHF) $1000


Congratulations to the Rotarians !! Again, we will recognize these Rotarians on May 1st.

Gary Bolton