Rotary – January 27, 2017 – Governor Pete Ricketts

Dear Rotarians,

 Governor Pete Ricketts will our speaker on January 27, 2017. 

We will be meeting at the Masonic Home.

What a great time to be a Rotarian!  This request by the Governor to  come and speak shows the esteem placed on our club across eastern Nebraska.  His appearance is one more in a long list of luminaries to have spoken to us; including Nebraska Chief Judge of the Supreme Court, Mike Heavican, Governor Dave Heineman, UNL President James Milliken, U.S.Senator Ben Sasse, Chancellor of UNL, Ron Green and surely others that I have missed.  Remember don’t be a RINO.

I will be sending out a follow-up email concerning which building we will be meeting in and guests.

President Darrell