Rotary – February 3, 2017 – Debra Skokan – Nebraska Department of Education/English Language Development Team

Dear Rotarians,

Hosting our program this Friday will be Martin Trautimas.  Martin’s guest speaker will be Debra Skokan, who is a full time English teacher for the Fremont Public Schools.  Ms. Skokan  is also an adjunct instructor for Midland University and works with the Nebraska Department of Education where she works with the English Language Learners development team.  Let’s hope she gets paid for all these endeavors.

The “Dueling Pianos” committee is slavishly working to make the fundraiser on February 17th a great event. They are engaged in securing both silent and live auction items for the event; so if you or anyone you know or work for would be willing to provide one of these items please contact Shelly, Jon R., Chris, or any other of the committee ASAP.

Be sure to thank Ron Giesselmann and his Masonic Home people for their efforts on our behalf last Friday.   The meeting at their place took lots of effort and we appreciate it.  Chief Jeff’s police department was instrumental in making it work smoothly as well.  We’ll be back at the golf club this Friday.  See you then and as always, don’t be a RINO.

President Darrell