NO Rotary, Thursday, November 22, 2016 – HAPPY THANKSGIVING

Thanksgiving Greetings to all you great Rotarians!  I am very thankful to be associated with all of you.  It would be difficult, if not nearly impossible, to find a more generous, more caring, more community-minded group of people than you folks.  I have yet to ask a Rotarian to help me at a meeting and have them say “nope can’t do it.”  Don’t even have to beg; most just say “sure I can do that.”   If you have been in this position as Rotary President you have experienced what I am talking about; if not, I can tell you it makes life a whole lot easier and I am thankful.  My list of friends grows daily as I experience their being a blessing in my life.  Thanks, guys and gals and a very Happy Thanksgiving to each of you.  GBR!

President Darrell