Rotary – July 22, 2016 – Michael LaBroad – Top 50 Marketer

Dear Rotarians

This Friday at Rotary we switch, from a young man just getting starting in finding a career and the teachers who have led him to this point, to a consummate professional in the marketing world. Bill Dugan will be hosting one of America’s Top 50 Marketers, Michael LaBroad. If you recognize the marketing efforts of Budweiser, Sea World, Bass Pro Shops and the National Hockey League, to name a few, you have seen his efforts and how they impact we consumers and the marketplace. One of those efforts was the most popular Super Bowl ad ever. Sounds like a program I want to hear; hope you do too!

Keep in mind that coming up in August (the 28th) is our annual Fly-In and Husker ticket raffle. Signup sheets for this event will be forthcoming soon. It’s a great way to participate as a Rotarian. See you Friday!

President Darrell