President’s comments – June 5, 2015

Rotary Friday

June 5, 2015


We have an interesting program this week with Duane Krause hosting FBI Special Agent Michele Stevenson.  Michele will speak about scams, career opportunities and general info about what the bureau is doing.

We are at the last month of our current Rotary year and I will pass the gavel next month on July 7th.  We will not have a meeting on the Friday before the 4th of July holiday to incoming president Gary.

The planning for the fly-in continues with confirmation of an additional event of a sky-diving exhibition.  We will also start the sale of the NU FB tickets in early August along with the pancake feed tickets.  The combination of these sales generate funds for our youth scholarship program and our general funds.

As you remember last year we used the Boy Scouts for the pancakes.  They did an impressive job of preparing the food.  We also realized another benefit from using the BSA by keeping the profit they made here locally and supporting their organization.

See you Friday!

Steve Tellatin