Rotary Program – October 30, 2015 – Dean Jacobs – “Images” from Africa

“Images” from Africa presented by Dean Jacobs

Dean Jacobs

Dean Jacobs was born in Wahoo ,Nebraska and spent his very early years living on a farm.  When he was five years old  his family moved to Fremont, where he went to high school and where he resides today.  Dean feels that growing up in the Midwest has given him a great appreciation for the simple things in life

Dean earned a bachelors degree in biology from Wayne State College which led to a position with Pfizer in Pharmaceutical sales and marketing  He was with Pfizer for 10 years.

As Dean puts it: “After a great deal of soul searching” he left the security of corporate America and decided to pursue other dreams. The wanderlust bug had struck; but with a purpose.  His first traveling adventure began in 2001 and spanned almost 2 years.  It would eventually reach the 56 countries he has visited to date.

Dean’s goal is to share his stories with the hope  of changing his audiences’ perspectives about people and cultures in other parts of the world, while helping them remember their own dreams.

Words that might describe Dean are newspaper columnist, photojournalist, children book author, speaker and world traveler and all would be right.


Rotary Bulletin October 30 2015