Rotary – January 6, 2017 – “Baby Rotarian” Presentations

Dear Rotarians

We’ll be resuming our Friday regular meetings this week on January 6th.  Our first program should be fun as we will have Jon Rohlfs, Erik Hoegemeyer and Beth Boyle giving their so-called “Baby Rotarian” talks.  More often than not these talks are quite fun as we get to know these newer Rotarians a bit more and see another facet of their personality.

As for me the whole Christmas-New Year thing becomes an ordeal. And now we have added in a couple of hundred bowl games (of course required watching) and my eyes are still smarting.  Kind of glad to get back to some sense of normalcy.  Feel free to disagree as Tom Shatel would say.  

We will have regular meetings on all of the Fridays in January, but the last one will likely be at Midland. Stay tuned for updates on this. If you haven’t been to Rotary in a while come on back you might actually have fun.

President Darrell