Rotary – December 9, 2016 – Gale Hamilton – Executive Director of the Fremont Creative Collective

Dear Rotarians,

I found out today just how much I rely on the internet and my computer to both transact business and communicate.   Yesterday, sometime in the morning my internet capabilities went south.  I finally found out from Spectrum (aka Time Warner) that Microsoft, during an upgrade to Windows 10 caused lots of problems.  I guess you have to be named Gates and worth $60 billion to get away with such a trick.  Anyway, we are back on track.

Our host tomorrow will be Brian Kudrna and Brian’s speaker will be Gale Hamilton.  Gale had 34 years with the Fremont school system and is known to be innovative and creative as a former teacher and school administrator.  Mr. Hamilton currently works as the Executive Director of the Fremont Creative Collective.  If you know what that is you’ve got a leg up on me. Come to Rotary tomorrow and we’ll find out together.

On a somber note, Rotarian Mike Prokop passed away suddenly on Monday of this week. Mike’s daughter, Patty Steffensmeier, a Pharmacist, worked for me briefly at my pharmacy.  

Hope to see you at Rotary, tomorrow.

President Darrell