Rotary – September 30, 2016 – Dr. Janet Guthmiller – Dean of the College of Dentistry at UNMC

Dear Rotarians


Tomorrow (Friday) brings another speaker to us from the world of medical academia:  Dr. Janet Guthmiller who is the Dean of the College of Dentistry at UNMC.  Dr. Guthmiller took, I think, an unlikely path to her present position since she started her professional education by becoming first a Dental Hygienist and then progressed up the ladder within the profession. I am sure she will bring an interesting perspective of Dentistry to us. This might be your only contact with a Dentist when you need have no fear of pain, either real or imagined.  

The Board will be meeting at 11AM preceding if you need a makeup or want to give input on anything Rotarian.   See you at one or the other or both!


President Darrell