The Football Raffle Ticket Winners Are!

Dear Rotarians

Early results for the Fly-In look very good. On a terrific day, weather-wise we had approximately 25 planes come in; one helicopter; and, of course, a chartered jet which came in for a Friday event. So all of that was good.

The boy scouts (Troop 104, Salem Lutheran Church) served 675, did a great job setting up and cleaning up. We will be remitting $3.00 per plate to them. I am uncertain as to the number of FB raffle tickets sold, but will be reporting that to you as the figures become available. The winners, of whom 4 were Rotarians or their families, are listed below.

Unlike several years ago, and since we have partnered with Boy Scout Troop 104, the Fly-In has become less work and more social, and a great way to get our message out to the community. Thank you very much to all who bought tickets, and who volunteered, from your President.

President Darrell

Football ticket winners:       Fresno State——-Troy Macaluso

Wyoming———-Ron Spahni

Oregon——–Tom Barr (Tera Kucera’s husband)

Illinois————-Marnita Walter

Purdue———-Judy Getzschman

Minnesota——–Shelly Sandeen

Maryland———Dave Shelso