President’s Comments – Week of April 4, 2016

Dear Rotarians,

We have another application for membership to our Fremont Rotary Club.  The request comes from Diane Mallette, and if you recall, Diane belonged to our club previously.  When she took a job that made it impossible for her to attend meetings, she resigned from the club.  She is now Human Resources Director for Structural Components, and has applied to join again.  This is very good news, as Diane was a very active member before.  She is sponsored by Jennifer Benson and her classification is “Human Resources,” so I am placing Diane’s name before the members to be approved.  There is no need to respond unless you have a negative vote.  If you do have a negative vote, I need to hear from you via email no later than this Thursday at 5:00 p.m.

Our host this week is Jeff Elliot, and our guest speaker is our own Rotarian, Mayor Scott Getzschman who will update us on the “State of the City.”  This should be an excellent program, and you have the opportunity to hear the latest on matters concerning our city, so make an effort to attend.

Also, I want to personally thank each and every Rotarian for your generosity in allowing us to reach our two goals for the Rotary Foundation Campaign.  I received a contribution from every single Rotarian (100%), and we also had contributions totaling $15,045.  As a result, we have one member who is now a Sustaining Paul Harris Fellow and twelve other members who will be moving up to the next level of giving.  This means our per capita giving is approximately $140 per member.  Congratulations and thank you for your level of commitment to the Foundation.  Remember, this level of giving helps us receive more grant dollars from the Rotary District to enable us to pursue our support of numerous projects in the Fremont area and community.

Hope you are having a good week, and hope to see you at Rotary on Friday.

Gary Bolton