President’s Weekly Comments – January 18, 2016

January 20, 2016

Dear Rotarians,

This week’s host is Darrell Puls, and our guest speaker is our own Dr. Greg Haskins.  Greg will speak on his most recent trip to Guatemala where he provided care for many of the people in that region who do not have access to any form of eye care.  This should be an excellent program, so plan to attend if at all possible.  Our meeting this week is still at the Fremont Golf Club, but on January 29 and February 5, we will be at Midland University in the Presidential Dining Room in the MU Dining Hall.  Cost of your buffet meal at Midland will be $8.00.

I am in the process of sending out reminder letters to those Rotarians who have not yet donated to the Rotary Foundation Campaign for 2015-16.  Please get your donation sent to me as soon as possible so we can wrap up the campaign.  We are approaching the $12,000 level with only 32 Rotarians left to donate.  

As a point of interest, in the February issue of The Rotarian which you received in the mail recently, there is an article on page 13 that might be of interest.  The article mentions a woman named Carolina Gonzales Rivas and also her town of Chacala, Mexico.  This is the community where our club has assisted them with their school and with books.  You might want to read it if you get the chance.

Also, please get your reservation in for the Dueling Pianos fund raiser on February 12th at the Fremont Golf Club.  This fund raiser is very important to our club, and is a huge source of revenue for our club to be able to fund the many projects we do and the assistance we provide to others in our community.  Your presence at this event will help our club ensure we have the dollars to fund our efforts.

Have a good week and hope to see you at Rotary.


Gary Bolton