President’s Weekly Comments – January 4, 2016

Dear Rotarians,

 I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season, and are off to a great start with the new year.  Our Rotary program this week is hosted by Jerry Rinne, and our speakers are Angie Wylie and Jason White with the YMCA Sidner Ice Arena.  Angie is a native Nebraska from rural Niobrara and is the Director of Ice Operations and Program Director.  She also is the coach for the Fremont Flyers Youth Hockey program.

Jason was born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario.  Jason’s duties at the Sidner Ice Arena include building maintenance, ice maintenance and Zamboni rides.  He also collaborates with Angie on the Fremont Flyer program.  This should be an excellent program, so please mark your calendar and plan to attend.

I talked with Shelly Sandeen today, and she and Rachel Wise are in need of help with Yasmine, our Rotary exchange student.  Yasmine is due to move to her second host family as required by Rotary, however her scheduled host family for second semester fell through.  Shelly and Rachel are sharing this duty during the transition, however they are in desperate need of assistance.  They both need help in identifying a potential host family and also in hosting on the weekends (spend the night, take her to a movie or dinner, or a ball game).  They also need assistance with after school activities (providing pick up and something to do or just hang out until Shelly is off work).  If possible, please consider helping these two out with Jasmine until the next host family can be found.  Contact her if you are able to assist.

There are 66 names in the hat for the bi-monthly drawing for the HyVee gas card.  Names in the hat are those who have paid fines during the last two months at Rotary.

Hope you are having a good week and please do your best to attend Rotary this Friday.

Gary Bolton