Rotary Program – September 25, 2015 – Dr. Daniel Murman, Alzheimer’s

Today’s hosts:  Marv Welstead and Ron Gross

Dr. Daniel Murman received his medical degree from the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) in 1989 and then completed a Neurology residency, a fellowship and additional graduate training at the University of Michigan in 1996.  Dr. Murman’s sub-specialty training is in Behavioral and Geriatric Neurology.  Following this training, Dr. Murman was on faculty of Michigan State University from 1997-2004 and he then joined the faculty of the Department of Neurological Sciences at UNMC.

Since returning to UNMC, Dr. Murman has focused his research and clinical activity on the evaluation and treatment of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and related neurodegenerative diseases.  Currently Dr. Murman is leading a team at UNMC that is participating in three national Alzheimer’s clinical trials with promising treatments.

Bulletin September 25, 2015