President’s weekly comments – March 6, 2015



otary March 6, 2015

Good Morning Rotarians!

Ron Giesselmann is our host tomorrow for Bob Olson and Bob will feature the band from the Masonic-Eastern Star Home.  You can read all about Bob’s life of music at our we site and his work with the children at the Home.

A few reminders of up coming events:  The Dueling Pianos fund raiser at the Gathering on April 10th.  Our committee is hard at work putting the finishing touches on this event.  Shelly, Sherry, Jim Thayer, Carter, Bob Missle, Matt, Jennifer and Mike Wehling are really making this happen.  The club support from the rest of us will ensure its success.  Money from the event is earmarked to support the Polio Plus from RI and the Fremont Parks Department for the “K” Street park.

We are just completing our support with help from the District 5650 for the YMCA Aquatic Center and will have a formal presentation at the Y in the next week or so.  Jenell and Dian were the driving force behind this project.

We also are beginning the work for the Book Fest providing books to area youngsters in May.  We will be calling on support from Rotarians to help distribute these throughout  Burt, Dodge and Washington counties.

RYLA, Rotary Youth Leadership Academy is well under way with Ann, Ken and Mike Thomas pitching in on organizing this project.

Our exchange student from Germany, Jacqueline Lang is going to take advantage of the RYLA camp along with some other area students.

And we are just beginning the planning for the Fly-in Pancake Breakfast this coming August.  This event takes a lot of planning and coordination and VP Elect Darrell has taken the reins along with Ron Tillery and Carter to get this off the ground.  Yes, pun intended!

So you see, Rotarians, we have ample opportunities to serve our club the community and Rotary.

I’m sure President Elect Gary will remind us the annual foundation drive is concluding at the end of the month.  Our goal is 100% participation and we are closing in on that!   Planning reminder,

NO ROTARY Easter weekend April 2nd.

Note attached event for Alex Lamme!  Please consider this event for Lamme family.

See you tomorrow!


Steve Tellatin

Alex Lamme Fundraiser